T, SADRAOUI Achieving food and energy security between the current and hoped-for reality



Food security, Production, Export-import


The purpose of this article is to analyze the interactions between energy and food security, referred to in this study as the energy-food nexus and the impacts of global risks using the Global Risks Report in the current context of successive crises. In this analysis, we reveal that energy and food are interconnected and essential resources that require sustainable, integrated, and intelligent management. These vital resources are vulnerable to many global risks, which are exacerbated by extreme weather events, mass involuntary human migrations and other riskswhich puts vulnerable communities in less developed countries at risk. In conclusion, policies implemented by the international community, decision-makers, civil society, and the private sector must be consistent with targeting and mitigating global risks, specifically, energy and food security.



2024-04-11 — Updated on 2024-04-11





How to Cite

T, SADRAOUI Achieving food and energy security between the current and hoped-for reality. (2024). Journal Of Development Studies & Entrepreneurship, 1(1), 75-93. http://review.univ-oeb.dz/ojs.jdse/index.php/jdse/article/view/11

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