Corporate Governance Procedures and Nigerian listed Companies' Productivity
DOI:الكلمات المفتاحية:
Governance، rising economies، productivityالملخص
The study examined the relationships between labour productivity and corporate governance procedures publicly traded firms in Nigerian using a sample of 1376 firm-year observations during1989-2020. The research employed a panel data technique to find the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The Hausman test findings show that the Fixed Effect is the best estimator due to the differences between firms. Three predictor factors: board size, block holding, and company size have a positive and substantial relationship with the labour productivity of listed firms in Nigeria, according to the results of the panel regression analysis. However, directors' shareholding, board independence, and an independent audit committee are not significantly correlated with labour productivity of Nigerian publicly traded companies. Only leverage has a negative association with the dependent variable. The study showed that an ideal board size is one where increasing board size benefits Nigerian enterprises' production while doing so at a decreasing rate; as a result, the relationship between the two variables is quadratic. Growth in firm size and institutional investors also enhance dependent variable. On the other hand, more borrowing lowers productivity. However, the directors' shareholding, the presence of independent directors, or the independence of the audit committee is indifferent to labour productivity. This work contributes to the corpus of knowledge by expanding the study's time period from the normal ten years covered by other studies to thirty-four years. Additionally the use of labour productivity as a performance metric is unusual among experts of developing nations, including Nigeria.
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