W.harma & s, telli E-Commerce as a mechanism for upgrading developing countries' exports


  • harma wafa University of Tamanghasset (Algeria) Author
  • seif Eddine telli University of Tamanghasset (Algeria) Author


E-commerce, developing countries, export promotion


Through this study, we aim to recognize e-commerce and its advantages as a modern export upgrading mechanism, while demonstrating developing countries’ export upgrading strategies, the extent to which e-commerce contributes to their development and the most important challenges of embracing e-commerce for developing economies.

We have come to the conclusion that developing economies rely on several strategies to grow their exports and e-commerce contributes to the growth of exports from global marketing of goods and services. Regulatory challenges as well as the development of e-commerce infrastructure are the most important challenges facing developing countries to embrace e-commerce.



2024-03-02 — Updated on 2024-04-11




How to Cite

W.harma & s, telli E-Commerce as a mechanism for upgrading developing countries’ exports. (2024). Journal Of Development Studies & Entrepreneurship, 1(1), 37-53. http://review.univ-oeb.dz/ojs.jdse/index.php/jdse/article/view/3