Advisory Committee

Our advisory committee consists of distinguished scholars from Oum El Bouaghi University who represent a range of academic disciplines. They provide guidance on editorial direction, acquisitions, peer review standards, and strategic planning. Members serve 3 year terms and meet quarterly to review OEBUP's publishing program.

  • Pr. Mohamed Cherif BENZOUAI (Director of Publishing)
    Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Managment Sciences
  • Dr. Salim LAMRAOUI 
    Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Managment Sciences
  • Haroun MELGANI
    Faculty of Letters and Languages
  • John Doe
    Faculty of Science and Technology
  • John Doe
    Faculty of Science and Technology
  • John Doe
    Faculty of Science and Technology
  • John Doe
    Faculty of Science and Technology
  • John Doe
    Faculty of Science and Technology
  • John Doe
    Faculty of Science and Technology
  • John Doe
    Faculty of Science and Technology
  • John Doe
    Faculty of Science and Technology
  • John Doe
    Faculty of Science and Technology
  • John Doe
    Faculty of Science and Technology
  • John Doe
    Faculty of Science and Technology