Factors of startups success: to do not fail, what should startups do?


  • Sara BOUREDJA Abderrahmane Mira University. Bejaia, Algeria.
  • Abdelhammid BOUROUAHA Abderrahmane Mira University. Bejaia Algeria.



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Startups، Factors، Success، Failure


With the technological development, the appearance of the fourth technological revolution, digitalization in all sectors, and integration of artificial intelligence in different sectors. Startups appear in different sectors with the aim of growing fast and resolving the actual problems in addition to following the fast-technological development. Therefore, startups have an important role in the economies of developed counties because there plays an important role in generating new and innovative ideas with the aim of developing technological tools, innovative solutions to problems, and generating a wealth of economies. Following the complex environment, some startups face different obstacles and fail, however other succeed. In this paper, we try to present a theoretical overview of startups, their points of weakness, and what are the main factors of the success of a startup.



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كيفية الاقتباس

BOUREDJA, S. ., & BOUROUAHA, A. . (2022). Factors of startups success: to do not fail, what should startups do?. مجلة المالية وحوكمة الشركات, 6(2), 63–85. https://doi.org/10.54960/jfcg.v6i2.87


