The Effect of Non-Verbal Messages On the Execute Of Negotiation - Field Study On Al - Hajjar Sider Compound


  • Mounira DJEMADI Annaba University , Algeria



communication, nonverbal messages, body language, negotiation, execute of negotiation


The aim of this study is to clarify the impact of non-verbal messages on the execute of the negotiation process in Al-Hajjar compound. For this purpose, a questionnaire consisting of 14 words was designed and distributed to a sample of 64 negotiators in different sections of the vessel, 53 of which were retrieved, 51 of which are valid for analysis. Using a range of statistical tools such as arithmetical averages and standard deviations, the degree of interest of negotiators in nonverbal messages as well as the execute of negotiation was determined. While the correlation coefficient and the limiting factor were used to study the effect of nonverbal messages on the execute of negotiation.

The study reached several results, the most important of which is a significant effect of non-verbal messages on the execute of negotiation. The study recommended attention to body language, while facing other parties


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How to Cite

DJEMADI, M. . . (2019). The Effect of Non-Verbal Messages On the Execute Of Negotiation - Field Study On Al - Hajjar Sider Compound. Journal of Finance & Corporate Governance, 3(2), 76–92.


