Social Responsibility And Entrepreneurial Business Planning: Empirical Study On Algerian SME's Sample
Social Responsibility, Business plan, business-planning process, EntrepreneurshipAbstract
The good preparation for the project awareness of what is happening in the external and internal environment is crucial, and the outcome of the business is an important tool when creating the institution, because it allows the contractor to possess a clear vision of the work environment and face a different future threats, in order to clarify what has already been dealt with business scheme as one of the modern management tools used in project management, highlighting its importance and the various stages of development for the new owners of new ventures. As it is the practical side of a field study on a group of owners of the new institutions, in order to diagnose a look Algerian entrepreneur for the business plan, And the extent of the Algerian entrepreneur planning to the theme of social responsibility during the preparation to launch the new venture.
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