Corporate Governance Under ISO26000 in the Family Enterprise -With Reference to Condor Electronics-
Condor, Family Enterprise, Governance, Implementation, Social Responsibility, Sustainable Development, ISO26000Abstract
This research paper aims to show the contribution of the international standardization standards for the settlement of social responsibility ISO26000 in CONDOR Company which is belonging to the family complex “Ben Hammadi”; and which is the leader in electronic industry. In addition, this study used analytic method to show the renewed role of social responsibility for family enterprises as a contribution to sustainable development. As well as, it focused on the diagnosis of the project of implementation of social responsibility under the project “MENA” through specifications of ISO26000 as a tool for practicing governance.
The results showed that through implementation of international standards of social responsibility ISO26000; a family enterprise can practice governance and increase the rationality of its decisions; since the first fundamental question for ISO26000 was concerned with the mechanisms of localization of governance in different business units of a private-family enterprise.
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