Examining the causal relationship and the co-integration between economic growth and the real interest rate in light of the financial liberalization policy in Algeria during the period from 1980 to 2015
financial liberalization, economic growth, interest rate, financial system, standard economyAbstract
The aim of this paper is to study the relationship between economic growth and the interest rate by examining the relationship between the change in the rate of economic growth and the interest rate during the period from 1980 to 2015 and testing and investigating the situation of the Algerian economy .We studied the stability of the series of change in the rate of economic growth and the series of change in the real interest rate, and we studied the causality between the two variables and concluded to use the VAR model in studying the relationship between the two variables.The study showed that there is an adverse effect on the rate of economic growth in the achievement of interest rates during the years under study and therefore this effect is almost absent shows that there is no relationship between economic growth rate and real interest rates.
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