The Role of Banking Governance in Managing and Reducing Risks in Banking Institution. Case Study of a Sample of Banking Agencies in Oum El Bouaghi


  • Mohammed Karim GUERROUF Oum el Bouaghi University, Algeria
  • Hanane KHENTOUCHE Oum el Bouaghi University, Algeria



Banking Governance, Banking institutions, Risk Management


This study aims to identify the system of banking governance and its principles and the extent of banks ’commitment to these principles, in aim to help it to develop banking risk management. Analytical descriptive approach applied to cover the theoretical basis of the study, and inductive in the applied side to test the application of the governance principles in the development of banking risk management. The study relied on a questionnaire that included two axis. The first axis for governance principles and the second axis for risk management, using Likart's five-point scale. To test the hypotheses, many statistical methods were used, such as simple regression coefficients and the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, to measure the reliability of the questionnaire. This study concluded that the respondents consider that the banking agencies in question are concerned with all principles of banking governance because all principles have achieved significant results



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How to Cite

GUERROUF, M. K., & KHENTOUCHE, H. (2020). The Role of Banking Governance in Managing and Reducing Risks in Banking Institution. Case Study of a Sample of Banking Agencies in Oum El Bouaghi. Journal of Finance & Corporate Governance, 4(1), 31–60.


