The Requirements of International Accounting Standards to Ensure Effectively Apply the Inventory Measurement Requirements Contained In the (Scf) In Light Of the Covid-19


  • Abdelkader KADRI University of mostaganem, Algeria



Measurement, cost, COVID-19, accounting, inventory


This article aims to highlight key accounting and financial reporting impacts of COVID-19 to be considered by companies. In that, inventory is selected as a sample for the study, in that this study relied on the descriptive analytical approach, as  this study has concluded several results, the most important that the proper accounting treatment of inventory under these-19 used to reduce the carrying value to realizable value.


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How to Cite

KADRI, A. (2020). The Requirements of International Accounting Standards to Ensure Effectively Apply the Inventory Measurement Requirements Contained In the (Scf) In Light Of the Covid-19 . Journal of Finance & Corporate Governance, 4(1), 1–19.


