The application of environmental responsibility in the Algerian economic institution to achieve sustainable development: Case Study of National Observatory for Environment and Sustainable Development ONEDD in Mostaganem, Algeria


  • Abdelkader TARI University of Mostaghanem, Algeria
  • Fodil BELMOKHTAR University of Mostaghanem, Algeria
  • Mansour BELATRECHE University of Mostaghanem, Algeria



environmental spending, corporate mission, environmental responsibility, sustainable development


This paper aims at clarifying the correlation between the green economy and achieving sustainable development. We have conducted a field study on the National Observatory for Environment and Sustainable Development (ONEDD) in Mostaganem. The aim of this study is to activate the relationship between the Observatory and the economic institutions, because the institutions that contract with the Observatory benefit from a certificate that helps them obtain the ISO standard. The study concluded that the industrial establishments contracted by the Observatory adopt environmental responsibility, because the emergence of the concept of environmental responsibility has helped them to reconcile environmental spending with its mission.


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How to Cite

TARI, . . A., BELMOKHTAR, . . F. ., & BELATRECHE, . M. (2018). The application of environmental responsibility in the Algerian economic institution to achieve sustainable development: Case Study of National Observatory for Environment and Sustainable Development ONEDD in Mostaganem, Algeria . Journal of Finance & Corporate Governance, 2(2), 67–82.


