Salama Insurance: the need of an Islamic legal framework


  • Hocine HASSANI university of HBB Chlef, team chief of lab research SFBPME
  • Mohamed HIMRANE university of Jijel, associate researcher at CREAD



Insurance, Islamic finance, Salama Insurance, Takaful


Many Muslims, for religious convictions are reluctant to take up conventional insurance as it is deemed to have uncertainty, gambling and interest, which are prohibited by religion. The purpose of this paper is to examine Islamic Insurance in Algeria and analyse a suitable regulatory framework.

One can argue that the trend towards Islamic insurance in Algeria contributes to raising the level of insurance culture, which will help to mobilize more savings. After studying the topic, we can provide a road map to better regulating the Islamic insurance market because the Islamic companies could not function in the absence of an Islamic insurance act. In the absence of such a framework, regulators often treat Islamic insurance companies similarly to conventional insurance companies, which hinders the development of Islamic Insurance Industry.


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How to Cite

HASSANI, H. ., & HIMRANE, M. . (2017). Salama Insurance: the need of an Islamic legal framework. Journal of Finance & Corporate Governance, 1(2), 35–44.


