An analytical study of employer trends on the contribution of strategic leadership practices to improving the effectiveness of work teams, Bachir ben Nasser- Biskra Hospital cases


  • Sihem Mouffok University of Biskra


Strategic leadership practices, work teams, sharing behavior, cooperation behavior.


This study tests the effect relationship between the practices of strategic leadership and the effectiveness of the work teams in its two dimensions (participation behavior, cooperation behavior).
To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher designed a questionnaire that included 20 statements, which were distributed through a number of field visits to the study sample, where the researcher retrieved 87 forms valid for statistical analysis, equivalent to an estimated recovery rate of: 87%.
The study also reached a number of results, most notably the presence of a statistically significant effect of leadership practices in improving the effectiveness of work teams in the institution under study.


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How to Cite

Mouffok, S. (2023). An analytical study of employer trends on the contribution of strategic leadership practices to improving the effectiveness of work teams, Bachir ben Nasser- Biskra Hospital cases. Journal of Financial Accounting and Managerial Studies, 3(2), 270–289. Retrieved from


