About The Journal

The Challenge Journal is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal bearing the standard serial numbering 9859-1112. It is published by the Institute of Science and Technology of Physical Activities and Sports of the University of Larbi Ben M'hidi Oum El-Bouaghi, Algeria, every semester of the year. The journal is interested in publishing research related to the field of science and technology of physical and sports activities, which include: - Medical and biological sciences in physical activities - Biomechanics of movement in sports - Physiology of sports practice - Educational sports physical activity - Sports training - Sports psychology - Sports sociology - Teaching Physical and sports activities - sports media - sports and health - sports recreation - adapted sports physical activity - sports management and management

Publisher: University of Oum El Bouaghi.

Society/Institution: University of Oum El Bouaghi, Institute of Science and Technology of Physical Activities and Sports, Algeria.

Address: Oum El Bouaghi University, Larbi Benmhidi Street, Oum El Bouaghi province, Algeria.

The international numbers of The Challenge Journal are:
PISSN 1112-9859
EISSN  22602-6619

Publishing schedule

The The Challenge Journal Issued two times a year (January and July). 

Focus and Scope

The journal continuously presents new research contributions to the various achievements of the biological, social and psychological sciences of sport inside and outside Algeria by publishing research related to the field of science and technology of physical and sports activities, including: - Medical and biological sciences in physical activities - Biomechanics of movement in sports - Physiology of sports practice - Activity Educational sports physical education - sports training - sports psychology - sports sociology - teaching physical and sports activities - sports media - sports and health - sports recreation - adapted sports physical activity - sports management and management.

Submission fees

The journal is committed to “no fees – no charge” to authors.

Archival system

The Challenge Journal uses archival system developed and supported by the Algerien ministery of higer education called Algerian Sientific Journals Platform (ASJP), the system grantee a free sustainable electronic archive for the journal.

Permanant link to the JFAMS archive: https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/Articles/71