The Informel Economy in Algeria: Size, Causes and Consequences


  • Nesrine Yahiaoui


The official economy, the parallel economy, the Algerian authorities.


The parallel economy is known to be a part of economy which Is hidden on purpose to avoid taxes, laws and regulations, it is being divided into legal sector and illegal sector. It is not included in the government's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Although the parallel economy is often associated with developing countries, where up to 60% of the labor forceand 40% of GDP, all economic systems contain an informal economy in some proportion.

Algeria is considered as one of the most important countries that suffered from this problem because of the makeover its economy underwent and which accompanied its historical periods.

The subject matter of our study is to analyze the parallel economy in Algeria in terms of exploring its spread, the reasons behind its increase, as well as, the efficiency of the mechanisms and measures adopted to cope with it.


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- Bruno LAUTIER, L’économie informelle dans le tiers monde, Edition la Découverte, Paris, 1994.

- Philippe ADAIR, l’économie informelle -figures et discours, Edition Anthropos, Paris, 1985.

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- Youghourta BELLACHE, L’économie informelle en Algérie, une approche par enquête auprès des ménages- le cas de Bejaia, Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion Spécialité Sciences Economiques, Université Paris-Est Créteil et Université de Bejaia, 2010.



How to Cite

Yahiaoui, N. (2023). The Informel Economy in Algeria: Size, Causes and Consequences. Journal of Financial Accounting and Managerial Studies, 3(2), 290–307. Retrieved from


