The role of small and medium enterprises in economic development in Algeria


  • Ismail MORAD Ain Temouchent University
  • LAHCEN JDIDIN Ain Temouchent University


Small and medium enterprises, economic development, Algerian economy.


Small and medium enterprises contribute to economic development and provide a variety of production as enterprises, and they meet the needs of the individual through the goods and services they provide without the people of the city having to shop from other areas, and this is because these institutions provide a variety of production and services at an affordable price. It is reasonable and this is what the structural theory focuses on, which recognizes that the functions performed by the group or the institution or the society perform but satisfy the needs of the individuals belonging to it or the needs of other institutions, and the needs that the institutions satisfy may be basic needs or social needs. Thus, small and medium enterprises contribute to social and economic development, despite the existence of obstacles that hinder them from performing their tasks.



How to Cite

MORAD, I., & JDIDIN, L. (2023). The role of small and medium enterprises in economic development in Algeria. Journal of Financial Accounting and Managerial Studies, 1(2), 125–140. Retrieved from


