Inflation and currency what relationship? Case of the Algerian economy econometric study


  • Zahira Bedjaoui University of tlemcen
  • leila khouani


Currency, inflation, liquidity rate, Algerian monetary policy, causality.


Depending on the evolution and extent of the phenomenon of inflation, new theories attempt to shed light on its causes. Theoretical and empirical debates have not yet delivered a clear conclusion on these origins, their opinions diverge, because it is attributed to several variables. But overall a consensus emerges on the fact that the increase in the money supply translates into additional inflation. The main objective of this article is mainly to find the empirical relationship between the growth of the money supply and the evolution of inflation in Algeria, to identify these determinants and finally to draw lessons for the conduct of monetary policy.


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How to Cite

Bedjaoui, Z., & khouani, leila. (2023). Inflation and currency what relationship? Case of the Algerian economy econometric study. Journal of Financial Accounting and Managerial Studies, 1(2), 7–21. Retrieved from


