Effects of financial liberalization on the stability of the financial system and the level of financial development- Reference to the Algerian case


  • Boubakeur Bousalem University Center Of Mila
  • Riad lemzaouda University Center Of Mila


financial repression, financial liberalization, financial development, financial stability


The aim of this study is to provide a systematic analysis of the  range of questions which have been raised in the literature with respect to financial liberalization. More specifically, our study focuses on :

The first, analyzing the effect of financial liberalization on both of the saving and investment.

The second, shedding light on the negatives  effects of financial  liberalization in  effective demand, financial stability and   the role of  informal intermediation (Financial dualism).


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How to Cite

Bousalem, B., & lemzaouda, R. (2023). Effects of financial liberalization on the stability of the financial system and the level of financial development- Reference to the Algerian case. Journal of Financial Accounting and Managerial Studies, 3(2), 158–171. Retrieved from http://review.univ-oeb.dz/ojs.cofifas/index.php/jfams/article/view/85


