The role of corporate culture in improving job performance


  • BOUTOUTANE Mohamed Salah BOUTOUTANE University of Badji Mokhtar-Annaba
  • Zedira KHAMMAR University of Oum El Bouaghi


Culture, Organization, Culture of Organization, Functional Performance, Functional Performance Evaluation.


A wide range of scholars and researchers are being credited with inclusive and comprehensive studies about public administration and organization sciences. The latter resulted in the emergence of respective sub disciplines, and henceforth, new perceptions and outlooks about the culture of organization have been viewed from quite different spirits which are inherent in different speculations and analytical tools. As a result, this created a multitude of concepts that relate to the meaning of the culture of organization and its respective types.

With The increasing problems associated to institutions, which are reported to be unable to fulfill their objectives, the organizational culture have come to supposedly reveal what it strictly implies in terms of knowledge, values, beliefs and ethics in order to bring out its marks and  offers a distinctive merit to the institution. Moreover, the organizational culture provides a framework that clarifies the mode of functional performance, and the criteria which get the relationship between the individuals and the institution across.  Following this model, the problems that are confronted by the institution can be hereby overcome. Last but not least, this study aims at figuring out the organizational culture and its role in enhancing it’s the functional performance in the institution.


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How to Cite

BOUTOUTANE, B. M. S., & KHAMMAR, Z. (2023). The role of corporate culture in improving job performance. Journal of Financial Accounting and Managerial Studies, 1(2), 33–54. Retrieved from


