Microstructural characterization, mechanical properties and recrystallization kinetics of low carbon steel wires


  • Zeghda Larouk Laboratory of Microstructures and Defects in materials, University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1, Ain El Bey way, Constantine 25017, Algeria
  • Ahmed Reda Khantoul Laboratory of Crystallography, University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1, Ain El Bey Way, Constantine 25017, Algeria
  • Abdelhak Ayad Laboratory of Microstructures and Defects in materials, University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1, Ain El Bey way, Constantine 25017, Algeria Departement of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medecine, University Salah Boubnider Constantine 3, New Town of Ali Mendjeli, Constantine 25005, Algeria
  • Hocine Bouhalais Laboratory of Microstructures and Defects in materials, University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1, Ain El Bey way, Constantine 25017, Algeria


Low carbon steel, wiredrawing, primary recrystallization, kinetics, activation energy


The present study deals with two steel wires containing different amount of carbon. The optical and Secondary Electron
microscopy (SEM) are used to identify the microstructure of steels in as-received and deformed conditions. The results
show that the mechanical and structural properties are affected by the carbon content. It is found that the kinetics of primary
recrystallization is described by Avrami law at 500°C and the rate of primary recrystallization depends on carbon content.
The two parameters (k and n) in Avrami law are calculated and the activation energy for primary recrystallization is found to
be lower for the low carbon content steel.




How to Cite

Larouk , Z., Khantoul, A. R., Ayad, A., & Bouhalais, H. (2025). Microstructural characterization, mechanical properties and recrystallization kinetics of low carbon steel wires. Journal of New Technology and Materials, 10(01), 63–68. Retrieved from http://review.univ-oeb.dz/ojs.jntm/index.php/jntm/article/view/93


