Concept and realization of a specimen grips A and B for tensile tests adapted to specimens cut transversely from the tube


  • Ilias Mouallif L2MC, ENSAM, Université Moulay Ismail (UMI), BP 15290, Al Mansour, Meknès, Morocco.
  • Omaima Zhouri L2MC, ENSAM, Université Moulay Ismail (UMI), BP 15290, Al Mansour, Meknès, Morocco.
  • Ibrahim Haddouch L2MC, ENSAM, Université Moulay Ismail (UMI), BP 15290, Al Mansour, Meknès, Morocco
  • Amine Benrhzyal FS, Faculté des Sciences, Université Ibn Tofail, BP 133, Kenitra, Morocco.
  • Zakaria Mouallif LIMII, FST, Université Hassan 1er, BP 577, Route de Casa, Settat, Morocco.
  • Radi Bouchaib LIMII, FST, Université Hassan 1er, BP 577, Route de Casa, Settat, Morocco.
  • Hachim Abdelilah Laboratory of Materials and Structures, Institute of Maritime Studies, BP 20100, Casablanca, Morocco
  • Abdelaziz Ghollam Laboratory of Materials and Structures, Institute of Maritime Studies, BP 20100, Casablanca, Morocco.
  • M'hamed Chergui LCCMMS, ENSEM, Université Hassan II (UH2C), BP 8118, Casablanca, Morocco


Composites, ensile test, fatigue machine, Docking and alignment, steel grips, Mechanical realization


Composite pipes must comply to avoid the risks of degradation (mechanical, and physico-chemical). To verify the
mechanical resistance of these pipes, we prepared standardized specimens in longitudinal, transverse directions and CT and
DCB types. In order to perform tensile tests on the MTS 810 tensile (or fatigue) machine, flat specimens are widely used,
but transversely cut specimens and CT and DCB types are not widely used. The main objective of this scientific paper is the
innovation of two steel grips A and B, which will allow to fix specimens inside the jaws of tensile (or fatigue) machines in
order to obtain reproducible tests. This docking and alignment device transform the non-limiting tensile (or fatigue)
machine, with the rapid adaptation of the tensile machine jaws capable of clamping specimens of complex geometric




How to Cite

Mouallif , I., Zhouri, O., Haddouch, I., Benrhzyal , A., Mouallif , Z., Bouchaib , R., Abdelilah , H., Ghollam , A., & Chergui, M. (2024). Concept and realization of a specimen grips A and B for tensile tests adapted to specimens cut transversely from the tube. Journal of New Technology and Materials, 12(02), 54–61. Retrieved from


