Evaluation of the solar potential of northern Algeria for use in a desiccant air-handling unit. Comparative study between several models


  • Amir Bareche Laboratory of Materials, Structure of Electromechanical Systems, and their Reliability, University of Larbi Ben M’hidi, B.P. 358 Constantine Road, 04000, Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria
  • Nabil Labed University of Larbi Ben M’hidi, Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria


Desiccant cooling, Solar radiation, Models, Potential, Air treatment


Within the framework of a project to realize a solar air-cooling plant by desiccation, a study for the estimation of the
receivable solar potential at the level of a city in north Algeria is presented herein. Calculation codes have been performed
for the cases of several horizontal irradiance models and then the predictions of these models were converted to global solar
irradiation on inclined surfaces by the isotropic Liu and Jordan’s method. The results were also tested in order to select
statistically the closest ones to the experimental data collected in the city of La Rochelle in France. It was found that
Capderou’s model was the most accurate and therefore has been used in this study. The angle of inclination of the solar
collectors has been fixed at 20° for a maximum capture during the whole summer season. The influence of the solar
potential on the hot water storage capacity has been also discussed. The obtained results indicate that the quantity of
captured energy will be sufficient for a correct regeneration of the desiccant in the air handing unit.




How to Cite

Bareche, A., & Labed, N. (2024). Evaluation of the solar potential of northern Algeria for use in a desiccant air-handling unit. Comparative study between several models. Journal of New Technology and Materials, 12(02), 35–42. Retrieved from http://review.univ-oeb.dz/ojs.jntm/index.php/jntm/article/view/35


