Effect of waste marble powder on the properties of white mortar made from tuff


  • Sellaf hamid Department of civil engineering and hydraulic, Faculty of Technology, Saida University, BP 138, DZ-20000, Saida, Algeria.
  • Benamar Balegh bDepartment of technology science, Faculty of Technology , Adrar University, DZ-01000, Adrar, Algeria.


: Mortar, Tuff, Waste marble powder, Physical performances, Mechanical performances


The preservation of ancient archaeological structures calls for generic and analogous basic materials. The production and use of marble generates a significant amount of waste, which creates environmental problems. This study investigates the impacts of using waste marble powder and tuff as a replacement for conventional natural aggregate mortar with a low cement content of 5%. Compressive strength and dry density tests were conducted on all mortar specimens. Additionally, the ultrasonic pulse speed and tensile strength of mortar samples and their blends with various marble powders (5, 10, 15%, and 20%) were examined. Results show that mass, pulse speed of ultrasonic, tensile strength, and compressive tensile strengths increased as the quantity of marble powder increased. Large quantities of marble powder are needed to make restoration mortar, and this contributes to the recycling of waste marble.




How to Cite

hamid, S., & Balegh, B. (2024). Effect of waste marble powder on the properties of white mortar made from tuff . Journal of New Technology and Materials, 13(01), 25–32. Retrieved from http://review.univ-oeb.dz/ojs.jntm/index.php/jntm/article/view/12


