Heat transfer study in binary alloys solidification Pb-Sn and Pb-Sb


  • Samira Adouane Physico-Chimical studies of materials Laboratory, faculty of matter science, University Batna1, Algeria
  • Abdelhak Kerboub Physico-Chimical studies of materials Laboratory, faculty of matter science, University Batna1, Algeria
  • El-djemai Belbacha Physico-Chimical studies of materials Laboratory, faculty of matter science, University Batna1, Algeria


Solidification, Heat transfer;, Nucleation, Growth morphologies, Liquid, olid interface


Simulation of solidification processes has been of interest for a number of years not only because of its scientific value in
understanding pattern formation in nature but also because of its importance in many technological applications. The
classical Stefan problem is well accepted for modeling the solidification of pure materials and alloys. The two-dimensional
model is based on the resolution of heat transfer equation, including the latent heat term. For solving this equation a finite
volume method was used. The obtained model from solving the heat transfer equation has leadresults for the temperature
changes over cooling time for Antimony-Lead and Lead-Tin alloys at various compositions. The obtained cooling curves
were compared with the literature results, and they show a good agreement.




How to Cite

Adouane , S., Kerboub , A., & Belbacha , E.- djemai. (2025). Heat transfer study in binary alloys solidification Pb-Sn and Pb-Sb. Journal of New Technology and Materials, 9(01), 89–96. Retrieved from http://review.univ-oeb.dz/ojs.jntm/index.php/jntm/article/view/119


