Growth rate influence on indium oxide thin films grown by an ultrasonic spray technique


  • Rahil Azizi Physics of thin films and applications laboratory, University of biskra, BP 145 RP, 07000 Biskra, Algeria
  • Abdallah Attaf Physics of thin films and applications laboratory, University of biskra, BP 145 RP, 07000 Biskra, Algeria
  • Hanane Saidi Physics of thin films and applications laboratory, University of biskra, BP 145 RP, 07000 Biskra, Algeria.
  • Youcef Benkhetta Physics of thin films and applications laboratory, University of biskra, BP 145 RP, 07000 Biskra, Algeria.
  • Imane Bouhaf Kherkhachi Physics of thin films and applications laboratory, University of biskra, BP 145 RP, 07000 Biskra, Algeria.
  • Nadir Attaf Unité de Recherche "Sciences des Matériaux et Applications", Université Mentouri, Constantine, 25000, Algérie
  • Mohamed Dahnoun Physics of thin films and applications laboratory, University of biskra, BP 145 RP, 07000 Biskra, Algeria.
  • Amor Bouhdjer Physics of thin films and applications laboratory, University of biskra, BP 145 RP, 07000 Biskra, Algeria.


Thin films,, ndium oxide,, ltrasonic Spray,, rowth rate,, lectrical properties.


Indium oxide (In2O3) thin films have been grown prosperously on glass substrates by an ultrasonic spray CVD process. The
structural, morphological, optical and electrical studies of the films with controlled growth rate induced during elaboration by
changing the solution fl
ow rate from 20 to 60 mL/h.The X-ray diffraction (XRD) exhibit that the films are polycrystalline with
centered cubic structure, whereas the predominant plane in the films change from (222) to (400) plane. The crystallite size
of the films slightly increases with the increase of growth rate where it is varied between 26 and 32 nm.UV-Visible spectroscopy
show that the average transmittance is about 80% in the visible region. The optical band gap decreases with anincrease of the
growth rate from 3.93 to 3.62 eV. Where the high value of band gap can be correlated with the preferential orientation of the
(222) plane.The electrical resistivity decreases with the increase of the growth rate in the range of 20 - 5.5 (10-2
Ω Cm ).From
these results we can say that the indium oxide thin films have a promising properties which make them applicable in the
photovoltaic field




How to Cite

Azizi , R., Attaf , A., Saidi , H., Benkhetta , Y., Bouhaf Kherkhachi , I., Attaf , N., Dahnoun , M., & Bouhdjer, A. (2025). Growth rate influence on indium oxide thin films grown by an ultrasonic spray technique. Journal of New Technology and Materials, 9(01), 81–88. Retrieved from


