Study of interface trapped charges effect on performance of junction less trial material cylindrical surrounding-gate MOSFETs
Surrounding-gate MOSFET;, ate-Trial-material;, unctionless transistor, Trapped chargesAbstract
nterface trapped charges effect on the performance of Junction Less-Trial Material Cylindrical Surrounding-gate
MOSFETs (JLTMCSG-MOSFETs) has been studied. An analytical model has been used for this purpose, it is based on
solving the two-dimensional Poisson’s equation in cylindrical coordinates. The device performance has been investigated as
a function of surface potential, electrical field, drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL), subthreshold Slope (SS) and
threshold voltage (Vth). The obtained results show that the performance of the device was improved when using the trial
material gate with different work functions and interface trapped charges. This study confirms that the analytical model used
is useful not only for circuit simulations, but also for device design and optimization.