Evaluation of supply chain performance in petroleum enterprises using the AHP hierarchical analysis method Case study of the National Corporation for Works at Wells ENTP


  • OKBA Mekhnane University of OUARGULA
  • Douis mohammed tayeb University of OUARGULA


Performance evaluation, supply chain, petroleum institutions, analytical hierarchical method (AHP).


This study aims to evaluate the performance of supply chain in petroleum enterprises¸ through presenting the most important quantities tools such as analytica hierarchy process which helps taking decision in this evaluation¸  This process was applied in the society where the study was done; Also evaluating the reality of performance in supply’s direction of The National Company ENTP .

While testing the result of the performance : it was found that the Analytica Hierarchy Process helps the decision makers in enterpriseon adding  the qualitative and quantities creaters within the decision matrix which allow them to evaluate the performance and gave  replacements of evaluation axes together with its indicators for the amelioration according to its flexibility. It was also found that analytical hierarchy process can be considered as a tool of  evaluating performance.


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How to Cite

Mekhnane, O., & mohammed tayeb, D. (2023). Evaluation of supply chain performance in petroleum enterprises using the AHP hierarchical analysis method Case study of the National Corporation for Works at Wells ENTP. Journal of Financial Accounting and Managerial Studies, 3(2), 134–157. Retrieved from http://review.univ-oeb.dz/ojs.cofifas/index.php/jfams/article/view/84


