Banking governance in Algeria as a necessity to build a competitive banking system in accordance with international standards


  • abdelmalek MAHRI University of Tebessa
  • besma aoulmi University of Tebessa


Banking governance, a competitive banking system, international standards, the Algerian banking system


Comes the issue of corporate governanceat the top of the concerns of the international business community and international financial

With the escalation of cases of failure, whichsuffered by manybanking institutions in the world in recent times, it has Analysts attributed the main reason for thisfailure to the lack of these institutions to the rules of good management, whic hcontributed to the ease of manipulation in the accounts and making decisionsis rational and lack of control and follow-up of by the shareholders and stakeholders, whichprompted the international financial institutions to develop a set of standards and rules to ensureproper performance and provide effective control under the title "CorporateGovernance" did not stop the international financial institutions atthis point, but has allocated the necessaryfunding to raiseawareness of theserules and reformattedintoeffect.

Based on thatwewilltry in thispaper to address the question of the problematic support of corporategovernance in the banking, as well as responsibility for the proper application of corporategovernance in the Algerian banking system


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How to Cite

MAHRI, abdelmalek, & aoulmi, besma. (2023). Banking governance in Algeria as a necessity to build a competitive banking system in accordance with international standards. Journal of Financial Accounting and Managerial Studies, 3(2), 41–59. Retrieved from


