A statistical study of the impact of the Dutch illness on economic growth in Algeria For the period between (1980-2013)


  • Mahieddine HADDAB University of Mascara
  • Habib TABETI University of Mascara


The Dutch disease, the Algerian economy, oil, and hydrocarbons.


Algeria is considered one of the major oil-producing countries. This factor helped the Algerian economy to rise, but at a slow pace compared to other countries. Therefore, it was necessary to develop a development strategy that affects all sectors, on the one hand, and on the other hand, we find that the general budget of the country depends on a rentier resource that can disappear at any moment, and this is what calls us to link the close relationship between development in Algeria and the hydrocarbon sector, as we will show in this The research is the extent of the fragility of the Algerian economy in light of its dependence on natural resources, especially oil, or as it is termed the phenomenon of (the Dutch disease).



How to Cite

HADDAB, M., & TABETI, H. (2023). A statistical study of the impact of the Dutch illness on economic growth in Algeria For the period between (1980-2013). Journal of Financial Accounting and Managerial Studies, 1(2), 107–124. Retrieved from http://review.univ-oeb.dz/ojs.cofifas/index.php/jfams/article/view/34


