Factors affecting the use of the information system in Algerian institutions - Studying the technology acceptance model (TAM) and perceived risks (PR)



Information system, the theory of perceived risk, model accepted technology, the behavior of Algerian institutions


Information Technology system usage has risen beyond its traditional role of operational support and now plays a central role in formulating business strategies. Which underscores the imperative need for an elaborate system of information are dynamic, harmony and effectiveness, where no decision without the availability of timely and useful information. but its use in the Algerian institutions remains modest to the point now . where it suffer obstacles and barriers that limit their use, especially with regard to issues of trust, Privacy, how to use the ease and others., which may in turn affect the orientation of the Organization for the use of the information system and modern technology or not, and it This research aims to study factors affecting the behavior of the organization of Algeria in the use of the information system.



How to Cite

AYACHE, zoubeir, & Ghanem, N. (2023). Factors affecting the use of the information system in Algerian institutions - Studying the technology acceptance model (TAM) and perceived risks (PR). Journal of Financial Accounting and Managerial Studies, 1(1), 160–175. Retrieved from http://review.univ-oeb.dz/ojs.cofifas/index.php/jfams/article/view/20


